Top Ten Thursdays – Bucket List

This week with our top ten we’re looking at our bucket lists – I have so many things that it’s really hard to choose what to share, so decided to give you five that I’ve ticked off the list and five that are still to be done. Thanks as always to Tamara, Part-time Working Hockey Mom, for hosting this challenge.

Five that I’ve done:

1. Visit Paris with someone I love. Ken and I have been to Paris once together and it was a really fun few days – not quite as romantic as I pictured. The Eiffel Tower helped me discover my beloved’s fear or heights and we couldn’t work out how to open the window in our hotel room so we nearly died of heat exhaustion – at one point in the night I got up and laid on the tile floor in the bathroom to cool down.

2. Visit Dubrovnik. I’d wanted to visit this beautiful city since I was young and remember crying when I saw it being attacked in the war. When we had a holiday in Croatia on the island of Hvar we had a day trip to Dubrovnik and when I first saw it I cried again – it was everything I’d hoped for. The fact that a bird pooped on Ken’s head whilst we were there makes it all the more memorable.

3. See the Southern & Northern lights. When I was little my dad woke me up one night to show me the Aurora Australis – beautiful green and yellow lights dancing across the sky. Ever since I’ve wanted to see the Aurora Borealis and this finally happened last year – living in Scotland is the perfect place to see them. I think I may have even cryed a little – are you getting the sense that I’m a bit emotional when happy?

4, Become a vegetarian. Okay, I’m only half way there, as we’re now Pescatarians, but it’s something I’ve wished I had the will to do for years, and yet when I made the decision it just took a split second. My reasons are very personal, but they include ethical reasons and for my health.

5. Marry my best friend. I always told people that I didn’t want to get married and even had bets on this. Part of the reason was that I didn’t think I would ever find someone to match up to my dreams including the fact that he had to be Scottish. How wrong I was and I’m now married to the most fabulous man in the world.

And now five things that I’m yet to tick off.
6. See Puffins in the wild. Since moving to Scotland this one is slightly easier, but we’ve yet to be in the right place at the right time. I think Puffins are such cute little birds with their lovely colourful beaks – be warned, when I do finally get to see them I’m sure there will be lots of photos where you have to play spot the puffin.
7. Have some of my poetry published. This is a difficult one, as to have poetry published you have to let other people read it and judge it, which is incredibly scary. 
8. Walk the West Highland Way. This walk in Scotland is one of the most well know long distance routes in the UK, starting in Milngavie and ending 96 miles (154 km) later in Fort William. It’s something I’ll definitely have to train for as I’m not the fittest, but I’m sure I can achieve it one day.
9. Be fluent in another language. The closest I’ve ever come to this is when I lived in Saudi Arabia for a year – by the end of my time there I could sit and have a semi sensible conversation with my patients. Unfortunately, as it’s 24 years since I worked there, I now only remember bits of it.
10. World peace, end of starvation, marriage equality, no animal cruelty, and lots more along the same theme – I can dream.
So there you have a bit of an insight into the way my mind works – what’s on your bucket list? Before you go why don’t you pop over to Tamara’s blog to see what my fellow bloggers have come up with – Click Here to Visit.
Until next time, be good, stay safe, and see if you can tick something off your own list this week.
Pamela & Ken

8 thoughts on “Top Ten Thursdays – Bucket List

  1. What a fantastic list, dear Pamela! I may or may not have cried (and giggled) about the first five. Congratulations on not only marrying your soul mate but for him to actually be a Scot! (What made you want to get married to a Scottish guy of all the countrymen out there?) Now I'm thinking the food and the fitness go hand in hand. Work on your diet and at the same time practice your walking, and you'll get to achieve two of your future bucket list items!Not sure on how to go about #10, I do love, however, that you are setting your goals high!!Thanks for linking up another wonderful post!


  2. #2 – I heard somewhere that having a bird pooped on you is good luck or something like that but at least you got to see a beautiful city#5 – sounds romantic & sweet#6 – I have no idea what puffins look like so I look them up, strange looking and yet they're sort of cute#7 – I'm like you, I fear what people will think so maybe it's why I never finished my writings but you seem like a fearless person so I'm sure you can make it happen if you really want to#9 – I want to do that too but I guess my lazy brain refused to learn anything especially languages, if only there is an easy way to get the language into your head without doing too much#10 – it would be nice if this can come true, it really wouldgood luck with your bucket list.have a lovely day.


  3. Since your Paris visit wasn't as romantic as you'd hoped, that's a good reason to go back, yes? I suppose the bird poop is a good luck symbol of some kind? Memorable trips are definitely tear-inducing. I cried too, after we landed in Athens. The northern lights must have been spectacular! We're in southern Canada, but it would be worth the trek northward. Marrying one's best friend is the ideal. Congratulations to the happy couple! May all your remaining bucket list items come true. In regards to publishing your poetry; you may be pleasantly surprised by the reception it gets. You'll never know unless you try. Cheers! ☺


  4. I think the Scottish thing was because my granddaddy was from Scotland and his accent is one of the things I remember about him. Now the weather is getting better we'll definitely be out walking more.


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