Top Ten Scavenger Hunt & Friday’s Friendly Fill Ins

It’s time for Top Ten Thursday and Friday Fill Ins combined as I think I’ve still been in holiday mode this week and have hardly touched my laptop – must find my motivation with the A to Z looming ever closer.
For Top Ten Tamara at Part-time Working Hockey Mom has set us another photo scavenger hunt with the list of things we needed to capture below.
  1. Pink
  2. Water
  3. Busy
  4. Teddy Bear
  5. Birdhouse
  6. Baking
  7. Track
  8. Bottle
  9. Unicorn
  10. Bicycle
As we were away in Amsterdam it was very easy to capture all of the above.
Here goes:
1. We did loads of walking in Amsterdam and went down lots of side streets to see the non touristy parts. It was down one of these streets that we found this very rare PINK bird.

2. Getting a picture of WATER definitely wasn’t a problem in a city surrounded by water. I took this shot when we were on a boat trip on the canals. 
3. Museum square has this great sign that tourists were having their pictures taken in front of or on top of it. It was way too BUSY to get a picture without lots of other people in it.
4. Blue and white is a bit of a theme in Holland, I think relating to the Delft pottery that they are famous for. I would have loved to take this huge TEDDY BEAR home with us.

5. Another thing that I was tempted by was these really cute BIRDHOUSES in the shape of iconic Dutch buildings. 
6. If you’ve ever read any of our posts you would know that we love tasting fabulous BAKING, and Amsterdam didn’t disappoint. This is a banana and pineapple pancake with vanilla ice cream and banana liquor – scrummy.
7. All throughout the city there are tram TRACKS but I chose to take a picture at Central Station as we were waiting for the train to the airport. The public transport system is really easy to navigate.
8. As we were exploring we came across a canal boat where there were these fabulous sculptures made out of BOTTLES – this was one of four so we think they may have a slight drink problem.
9. I am a self confessed UNICORN fanatic so was incredibly delighted to see loads of them, in all shapes and sizes, all over the city. I decided to share this duck version that was sat on the back of a bicycle – very pretty.
10. This was the one thing on the list that I knew I wouldn’t have any problems with, as BICYCLES seem to almost be an extension of the person, so they are everywhere. I liked this pile of bikes that is a bit like a game of pick up sticks.
There you have it, my ten scavenger hunt items, all found in Amsterdam. Make sure you hop over to Tamara’s Blog to see what my fellow bloggers have come up with.

And now onto the fill ins which are set by Annie at McGuffy’s Reader and Ellen at – why don’t you come and join us. The words in purple are the prompts that are provided and then the rest is me.

1. I am the youngest and only girl in my family.
2. I have three siblings who are alive, and one brother who departed this life when he was 16. I also have a friend in America that I call my brother and friends in Australia who are like sisters to me.
3. I am looking forward to being warmer this Spring.
4. The first sign of Spring this year was beautiful croci everywhere.

Are you looking forward to spring or are you one of those odd people that prefer the colder months of winter.

Until next time, be good, stay safe, and we hope that all is good with you wherever you are in the world.

Pamela & Ken

12 thoughts on “Top Ten Scavenger Hunt & Friday’s Friendly Fill Ins

  1. I'm a fair weather kind of gal so I'm ready for all these storms to go away and let the warmth in. It's been miserable for far too long.Have a fabulous day and weekend. ♥


  2. I am sorry to hear that you lost a brother at such a young age. I love winter for the temps. It doesn't get cold here usually in the winter, but summers are horrendously hot, in the triple digits. I love the spring for all of the beautiful flowers. :)Thanks for sharing this scavenger hunt photo challenge. If I get a chance to do so, I will be participating. Thank you again. Have a blessed weekend!


  3. Hi Pam .. lovely pics of Amsterdam … so glad you had fun. I agree this weather is the pits – we've got hail here and I hope it doesn't snow overnight as I want to go down the Island to Victoria tomorrow … Spring will come along soon! Cheers Hilary


  4. When I found out you guys were spending some time in Amsterdam I knew you wouldn't have trouble taking pictures for this challenge, especially where the bicycles were concerned. I love all of your shots, but the rubber duckie unicorn tops them all, haha! Great find!Sorry to hear about your brother leaving so early.


  5. Great photos, Amsterdam looks like a fun place. That pancake looks so good. Thank you for participating in the fill-ins, I always enjoy your answers. I am sorry you lost a brother so young though. I am one of the oddballs that prefers colder weather, but even I am getting tired of it. Have a nice weekend! XO


  6. Amsterdam was fabulous and will definitely be going back in the future. It's been a little milder here the last week but they're predicting a major drop in the temperature again this coming week with even a risk of more snow.


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