Small Sparks

Sparks is hosted by Annie at McGuffy’s Reader (visit to see everyone else’s sparks) and her words are the best to use to explain:

“I believe we are meant to be lights in this world. If we allow our light to shine, we can see where we are going. It is then that we can begin to truly see each other clearly. Together, we can light up the entire world!”

The aim is to post a positive quote, thought, poem, or verse. My contribution for today is about having the courage to make a change or start something new.

Pamela & Ken

11 thoughts on “Small Sparks

  1. YES. It is all about the journey and taking it. How you do it, the path you take, that is your choice and you can change it, too. But… make the journey. We all need to just do it. Hugs.


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