K is for Kessock Bridge

We’re up to K in the A to Z blogging challenge and as tempting as it was to buy a kilt and get my beloved to model it for you, I’ve instead chosen the Kessock Bridge.

The Kessock Bridge connects Inverness to the Black Isle, reducing a journey that used to be over 20 miles down to the length of the bridge which is 1056 metres. The bridge opened in 1982 – before that there was also a small ferry, but this went out of operation once the bridge began to be used.

On the drive into work in the morning the bridge dominates my own personal post card image. This was taken before Christmas when there was loads of snow on the mountains.

It’s just a quick post today as there’s only so much you can say about a bridge. Before you go, why don’t you pop over to the A to Z blog to see what my fellow bloggers have come up with – click HERE to visit.

Until next time, be good, stay safe, and treat yourself to something nice today.

Pamela & Ken

6 thoughts on “K is for Kessock Bridge

  1. Hi Pam – Kessock Bridge is good … but Ken in a Kilt would have amused us much more!! Now I can see Inverness is connected to the Black Isle – not an area I know at all … cheers Hilaryhttp://positiveletters.blogspot.co.uk/2017/04/l-is-for-legendary-beasts-of-britain.html


  2. Pingback: K is for Kokkari, Krakow | Tasmanian Abroad

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